Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reasons I major in EE, minor in AFL (Final version)

      It has been almost three years ever since I entered National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. In the very beginning, I made a quick decision to major in Electronics Engineering. As I was a sophomore, I made up my mind to minor in Applied Foreign English. As to me, in practice, there have been several motives playing vital roles in affecting what I have chosen to major or minor in. 

     First of all, we all know that NTUST is one of the best universities in northern Taiwan, and it is especially famous for its advanced teaching materials, facilities and scientific background. It has produced a great number of successful businessmen in some powerful enterprises and has lots of cooperative plans with industries. Thereby, it is nearly guaranteed to get a great job after graduating from NTUST if someone has chosen to major in EE at this prestigious university. Secondly, I have intense interests in subjects concerning science and logic. Since high school, I have decided to step into the field of science. In addition, I was in an advanced mathematic class then; there are plenty of opportunities for me to be exposed to resources about math and science. Hence, in the long run, I have gradually developed deep and broad scientific and mathematical ideology and curiosity, which strongly made me pursue for further and more advanced knowledge with relation to practical application in industry. Last but not the least, the main reason I chose to minor in Applied Foreign Language is to broaden my horizons even more. It is unnecessary to emphasize how crucial it is to master a second language nowadays, especially English. If I could have a good command of applying English, I would have more chances to get a great job and promotion in a company; moreover, it would be of great help for me while I have to search more information on the Internet for doing some research. Above all, I can also make lots of interesting friends all over the world with this global language. So, now, I feel very grateful and delightful to be able to study what I love in NTUST.

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